Open Minds reaches
new highs in meeting clients’ needs
Results from a client experience survey conducted in late 2020, reveals that Open Minds achieved a new record in client satisfaction.
Results from a client experience survey conducted in late 2020, reveals that Open Minds achieved a new record in client satisfaction.
96% of clients who participated in the ‘Your Experience of Services’ survey rated their overall experience with Open Minds to be positive.
Many of those positive experiences were attributed to Open Minds staff showing respect for the client’s feelings, being positive for the client’s future, working as a team during the client’s support, and client’s feeling comfortable using the service.
A majority of clients surveyed receive community access services and daily living supports, with the remaining receiving residential (24/7) services and support coordination.
Open Minds CEO, Paula Mayson said: “Our model is simple, provide high quality support at all times, and the survey results reassure us that we are meeting our clients’ needs in many areas. I am so proud to share these results which recognise the efforts of my team.”
Of the 132 clients that participated in the survey, 70 said that the best thing about Open Minds was the Support Workers.
One client said: “I am grateful for the team I have with Open Minds; they really support me and give me confidence to do things out of my comfort zone. They also believe in me to achieve great things which I appreciate.”
Another client said: “The best thing about Open Minds was my support workers because they are always there for me and never make me feel like I’m a pain or bother to them.”
The survey is one way that Open Minds meets a commitment to listening to feedback from clients which supports understanding of both strengths and areas for improvement.
Ms Mayson said: “It is fabulous to get positive feedback but recognising areas for improvement is critical to ensure we are meeting our clients’ needs, and they have an opportunity to help shape the service we offer.”
A key area for improvement was identified, with 91% of clients participating in the survey saying they want better access to peer programs, dedicated peer workers, along with advocates.
Many clients (44) did not nominate any areas to improve their experience because they are happy with their current support, however some clients suggested that Open Minds could focus on improvements to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plans being better suited to client’s needs (24) and providing social opportunities (11).
To address the areas for improvement, Open Minds is planning to consult with client representatives at a focus group scheduled for later this year.
Open Minds is proud to have recently obtained accredited certification of the Mental Health Standards, you can read more about this here.
To learn more about the Open Minds ‘Your Experience of Services’ client survey, please view the infographic below or for more information about Open Minds, please visit our website at