New look space
for headspace
Open Minds Redcliffe headspace will open its fully renovated centre this month, bringing the quality of the space in line with the quality of care.

Operations Manager Nick Martin said the centre had been completely refurbished to increase office and staff spaces, consult rooms and common areas, making them more suitable to support Young People.
He said the five-month project was an ‘an incredible accomplishment’.
“The space and environment now match the high-quality services we provide,” Nick said.
“The team has endured many building issues and shown great resilience. This is a great opportunity to honour our current and previous staff as well as providing a great environment for Young People to access services in a warm and friendly location.”
headspace Redcliffe first opened in its current location in 2014.
headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25-year-olds.
Open Minds operates three headspace centres in Brisbane – Redcliffe, Strathpine and Indooroopilly. To find out more about headspace and what support they offer young people, visit: