Pursuing a passion
for gaming animation

Since being selected for a highly sought after traineeship in Gaming Animation and Design 17-year-old Dyln’s passion for gaming is becoming a reality.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant, and client of Open Minds, Dyln, has landed the opportunity to pursue a career doing what he loves.

The school-based traineeship provides a supportive environment for Dyln to learn essential skills in animation, game and media design.

Dyln is also a Year 11 student and undertaking a Diploma of Information, Digital Media and Technologies at Lightmare Studios at Banyo.

The traineeship is providing a unique learning environment and transforming Dyln’s sense of independence. 

One year ago, Dyln never dreamed of being where he is today.

Dyln has autism, making day-to-day activities involving social interaction and communication challenging.

Prior to the NDIS, Dyln received no formal supports.

With the addition of Support Worker hours included in his NDIS plan, Dyln has been working on core life skills with his Open Minds Support Worker Justin (pictured).

Dyln’s biggest accomplishment is his ability to travel independently to his traineeship on public transport. 

“I can now leave the house, I can catch trains and buses all by myself” said Dyln. 

The ability to travel independently and fulfil his interest in gaming has given Dyln a new-found sense of self-confidence. 

After working together for eight months, Justin has formed a close bond with Dyln. Justin has seen first-hand how Dyln’s independence has improved his life. 

“You can see the confidence, even just in the way he walks, it’s fantastic,” said Justin. 

“He has that aura about him, he’s got direction”. 

Dyln’s new confidence is allowing him to enjoy every moment of his traineeship. 

“I feel more confident now,” said Dyln. 

Dyln’s outlook is positive. He says he is ready for the challenge and looks forward to finishing high school so he can continue pursuing a career in gaming.