Dress as a
farmer day
G’day! Open Minds is proud to support our Aussie farmers through the drought by hosting a dress as a farmer day and raising funds to donate to Buy a Bale.

Summer rains have failed to come for the last 5 years. Last year’s unseasonable winter rains weren’t followed up with summer rains and so it’s now almost 12 months since some farmers got rain. Those who have received rain, have received a fraction of their annual average, some around Southern central Qld, just one inch in 12 months!
That’s why the staff here at Open Minds donned our best akubra’s and flano’s, and hosted a dress as a farmer day across our offices in both Queensland and Northern New South Wales – to raise both money and awareness to show our support.
Open Minds held this event to raise money for Rural Aid, for the Buy a Bale initiative.
Take a look at some of the photos on Facebook from all our hubs – yeehaw!