Enabling an artist
to follow his dreams
“With my artwork and the support of CREST, my future now looks very positive!”

Barry is a 45-year-old Aboriginal man from Townsville, pursuing his dream of becoming an artist.
Barry has had a passion for painting canvas landscapes for over 20 years, inspired by watching his uncle paint in their hometown of Mount Isa.
Some bad life-decisions led to Barry being in and out of prison for the last 10 years, and as a result, his dream of being a full-time artist fell by the wayside.
Until recently: when Barry began working with Open Minds in May 2018 following his release from the Townsville Correctional Centre.
But before he could focus on painting, Barry urgently needed accommodation or he’d face the prospect of becoming homeless.
The Open Minds team assisted Barry to get relevant ID and documentation required, in order to find stable accommodation.
Within just two weeks of Open Minds assisting Barry with submitting an application to Coast 2 Country, Barry was successful in securing a one-bedroom apartment.
Open Minds CREST Case Worker, Scott, had told the team at Coast 2 Country about Barry’s talent.
The team at Coast 2 Country were so impressed that they purchased one of his pieces to display in their reception area.
Elvene Whitbread, CEO of Coast 2 Country, said: “Barry has a special talent for painting and it’s clear that he is dedicated to making his dream a reality. We are proud to be supporting the local community and to display Barry’s beautiful artwork on our wall. We wish Barry every success in continuing his great work as an artist.”
Open Minds provided Barry with funding for the essentials he needed to move into his new place straight away, such as furniture and kitchen crockery to enable Barry to cook nutritious meals.
This also included a push bike, to enable Barry to travel and find work without the cost of public transport.
The Open Minds CREST team didn’t stop there. Having seen his talents as an artist, the team got to work linking him with artists, galleries, markets and exhibitors.
This allowed Barry to network with other artists, and showcase his artwork to a wider audience. Barry said: “Open Minds CREST Team have assisted me in gaining documents and navigating the processes needed for every day needs such as setting up a bank account, obtaining ID, and more. This allowed me to apply for my own accommodation where I can live independently and start to build a future for myself. With my artwork and the support of CREST, my future now looks very positive!”
Barry’s longer term goals are to setup his own art studio, and purchase a car with the money he makes from selling his artwork.
In the mean-time Barry has been completing a construction course to ensure he can be financially stable whilst working towards his longer term goals as an artist.
Barry’s Case Worker, Scott, has been working closely with Barry every step of the way to give him the best chances of success.
“Barry is really flourishing, he’s focused, driven, and has a real talent for painting. After he sold his first piece, he had the biggest smile on his face and will be painting more pieces ready to sell at the local markets.”
Barry said: “My Case Worker, Scott, and the team have always been there to support and guide me, they were there when I needed help to increase my success on Parole.”