Farewell CREST
Women's Services

After seven years of dedicated service to the community, Open Minds CREST Women’s Services is transitioning services to a new Queensland-wide provider on Monday 1 July 2024. 

Since 2016, the dedicated team have supported thousands of clients across Townsville, Palm Island, Mt Isa and surrounds, proudly creating hope, building connections and transitioning many to a life beyond the correction system.

Esteemed Program Manager, Joanne Bourne, and Case Worker, Amy Dhewayani will be finishing up with CREST Women’s Services on Friday 28 June 2024. Both individuals have shown remarkable dedication to the organisation, mission and shown outstanding service to the community. Case Worker Rachel Solomon will transition from our Women’s Team to our Men’s Team.

From an operational perspective, our CREST Male program will continue to provide support services for male clients in the North Queensland region. 

Moving forward, Sero4 Social Services, through The MARA Project, will assume responsibility for providing support services to women in the North Queensland community.