If you need someone impartial to write, act or speak on your behalf to defend your human rights, you may need a disability advocate. Open Minds welcomes feedback and encourages and supports our clients to find an independent advocate if they wish.
What is advocacy?
An independent advocate is a person who can speak, act and write on your behalf to defend your human rights. By having an advocate, it enables you to exercise your rights and remain in control of your situation – it empowers you. Advocacy can range from the formal, such as state-based Public Advocate or Public Guardian and the Community Visitor Program, to the informal, where an advocate is a trusted friend or family member nominated by you.
If you have a compliment or complaint about Open Minds, we encourage you to submit your feedback so that we can investigate and respond.
If you would like an independent disability advocate to assist you, talk to your Open Minds support team or you can use this handy tool to find one in your area.
Find an advocate
Use this tool to search for an independent disability advocate in your area.